
Американский Университет в Центральной Азии - АУЦА - Фонд выпускников


25th Anniversary Campaign - Support Ӱɴý!

The Ӱɴý Alumni/ae Association now has over 3,800 members, all working for the democratic transformation of wider Central Asia. Since 1993 over 93% of Ӱɴý students received some form of financial aid and/or subsidy from different donors. Now that the first generation of Ӱɴý leaders is emerging to take their place, it is time to support the next generation of leaders. There are many ways to support Ӱɴý after your graduation, make it happen on this special 25th anniversary year:

Financial Support:

Merit-basedstudent scholarshipsat undergraduate and preparatory (New Generations Academy) levels. Sponsor a scholarship that could help one or many Ӱɴý students to ease their financial burden. Ӱɴý tuition is 4 times the average per-capita GDP in the Kyrgyz Republic, and 93% of all Ӱɴý students receive financial aid. Half and quarter scholarships make the best education in Central Asia immediately accessible to a wider group of talented students from across the region;

Sponsorfaculty researchscholarship. Ӱɴý is committed to conducting world-class research in Central Asia. Ӱɴý has over 120 full-time faculty with a vast array of research interests. The scientific research findings by Ӱɴý faculty have valuable impact on policy and decision making for sustainable development of the Kyrgyz Republic as well as wider Central Asia;

Ӱɴý’s service to society is a set of activities, which are carried out by Ӱɴý students, faculty, staff and alumni, which has organically existed since the beginning. Do not miss an opportunity to play a role in positive change in the Kyrgyz Republic and wider Central Asia by supportingstudent civic engagement initiatives() at Ӱɴý. The purpose of this programme is to develop leadership potential and professional skills among students, supporting them in the implementation of their civic engagement initiatives through consultation, individual mentorship, different trainings, and workshops.

Ӱɴý’secology projectsincluding research are run by the Center for Environment and Development (CED) at Ӱɴý (). By supporting CED, have an impact on eco-development of Kyrgyz Republic and wider Central Asia.

Library and technology development. Ӱɴý Library leverage technology and creativity to promote access to collections, to help students to be responsible consumers of information, and to encourage lifelong learning. Usage of electronic resources continues to grow and comprises 77% of all conducted search. Support Ӱɴý Library and Technology development for more subscriptions to electronic databases for better research and deeper knowledge.

Sports and wellness. Support Ӱɴý’s recreation activities for all: development of Ӱɴý’s professional basketball team and construction of a new basketball court on Ӱɴý campus and/or improvement of Ӱɴý’s running marathon programs.

Non-Financial Support:

Share your valuable experience with students and recent graduates by giving a guestlectureand/or workshop at Ӱɴý;

JoinӰɴý Alumni/ae Council, a group of 7-9 enthusiastic alumni/ae working together on development of comprehensive programs and benefits for Ӱɴý student and alums;

Become anAlumni/ae Ambassador. Reunite Ӱɴý alumni/ae in your area or a class of graduate. Facilitate a mutually beneficial, enduring relationship between alumni/ae in a location you are living in and/or working environment.

For more questions and inquiries, please do not hesitate to contact us.

7/6 Aaly Tokombaev Street
Bishkek, Kyrgyz Republic720060

Тел.: +996 (312) 915000 + Вн.
Факс:+996 (312) 915 028