
Американский Университет в Центральной Азии - АУЦА - Клубы


Студенческие клубы существуют для того, чтобы дать участникам возможность развивать интересы и навыки во многих видах деятельности. Клубы способствуют развитию общения между студентами и чувства гордости за АУЦА. Участие в клубной деятельности также может отточить знания и опыт студента в определенной области знаний. Активное участие демонстрирует потенциальным работодателям готовность студента к выполнению внеучебных обязанностей.

Клубы создаются и регистрируются через Офис по внеучебной деятельности студентов. Чтобы зарегистрировать новый клуб, студенты должны получить форму заявления у сотрудника Офиса по внеучебной деятельности студентов и вернуть заполненную форму вместе с электронной версией. Клуб может создать студент, преподаватель или сотрудник. Клубы могут запрашивать деньги из бюджета Студенческого сената.

Как создать новый клуб?

Для того чтобы зарегистрировать новый клуб, вам необходимо прийти на прием к сотруднику Офиса по внеучебной деятельности студентов или написать письмо по электронной почте с просьбой предоставить форму заявления для клубов. Он/она вышлет вам форму заявления для клубов. В этой форме вам нужно ответить на следующие вопросы и отправить их по электронной почте: iminov_sh@auca.kg.

Название клуба

  • Цели клуба;
  • Деятельность клуба;
  • Проекты (если есть);
  • Главный координатор/руководитель? (Имя, департамент, ID, номер телефона и адрес электронной почты);
  • Имя, департаменты, номера телефонов (необязательно) и адреса электронной почты членов клуба (должно быть более трех);
  • Как другие студенты могут стать членами вашего клуба или какие существуют требования к членству в клубе.

Зарегистрированные студенческие клубы могут запрашивать финансовую поддержку из бюджета Студенческого сената.

КЛУБЫ 2022-2023

  • Create long-lasting solutions that would improve the social, economic, and ecological aspects for the local community;
  • Organize educational training and mentorship programs;
  • Develop new business models;
  • Create a community of new business leaders;
  • Have a network of the best businessman and leaders of the country.

Contacts: Maratbek kyzy Zharkynai

2. Debate Community Club

The debate club is one of the biggest clubs at Ӱɴý and one of the best debate clubs in Bishkek.
Our goals are to improve:

  • Critical thinking
  • Public speaking
  • Communication skills

Contacts: Biyaliev Adilet

3. NeoBis
  • We enhance students’ hard skills and provide real software product development experience. Within a short amount of time, students will become more professionally skilled and will be able to meet the job market’s expectations in the IT-sphere.
  • Help students improve programming skills and prepare for internships.
  • Organization of masterclasses on project management, design, and coding. Each student gets a mentor for their further development

Contacts: Fatikhsultan Zhakshylykov

4. TEDxӰɴý club
  • to promote the core values of storytelling
  • to develop public speaking skills
  • to be a part of a diverse TED network

Contacts: Shakhzoda Mirakova

5. VFX & Soundmaking Club
  • Build a team of like-minded people to create something new, for instance, a music clip.
  • We will learn about visual effects like in movies and also how to create your own music.

Contacts: Rinat Galiev

6. Case Club
  • Case studies capture a range of perspectives, as opposed to the single view of an individual you get with a survey response or interview.
  • The students will have the opportunity to dive into a business sphere and improve some of their skills such as: analytical thinking, researching, decision making and etc.
  • There will be sessions conducted twice a week, where the students will solve different business cases and deliver presentations on the best solutions.

Contacts: Qirghizbekova Nekkhotun
e-mail: qirghizbekova_n@auca.kg

7. Ӱɴý TV Club
  • Create an information platform for the Ӱɴý life;
  • Provide opportunities for students to practice their filming, editing, and reporting skills.
  • Making video reporting from Ӱɴý events, video stories about Ӱɴý students, faculty, and alumni, creating fun videos with the Ӱɴý students gathering on the campus, making Ӱɴý weekly news, and many other interesting activities!

Contacts: Salima Almazbekova

8. Google Developers Student club (GDSC) Club
  • Google Developers Student Clubs (GDSC) are community groups for college and university students interested in Google developer technologies. Students from all undergraduate or graduate programs with interest in growing as a developer are welcome.
  • By joining a GDSC, students grow their knowledge and build solutions for their communities.

Contacts: Aziza Sydykova
e-mail: sydykova_az@auca.kg

9. FLEX Volunteering Club
  • Promote the spirit of volunteerism and support vulnerable communities in Bishkek and suburban areas;
  • Launching an online mentoring program - engaging high school students with Ӱɴý students.

Contacts: Aidin Turganbekov

  • Civic engagement through modern cyber art.
  • Art therapies using cyber collages.
  • Integrating with the Ӱɴý community through the prism of humor.

Contacts: Akima Anarbekova
e-mail: anarbekova_a@auca.kg

11. Career Development Club
  • To create a community of students in which everyone can find answers to their questions regarding professional and career growth
  • To encourage students to develop their hard and soft skills

Contacts: Aiturgan Noiabidinova

12. AWAKE Club

An association of like-minded people who put or want to learn how to put sociology at the heart of any field of activities.

  • Development of sociological imagination through the analysis of the entertainment industry
  • Active engagement in a discussion on social issues
  • Organization of guest lectures by invited professionals

Contacts: Aleksey Pak
e-mail: pak_al@auca.kg

13. Basketball Club

Give students an opportunity to play Basketball.

  • Improve their skills.
  • Make new friends.
  • Participate in the Basketball tournaments.

Contacts: Bektur Sultanov
e-mail: sultanov_b@auca.kg

14. Girl Up Club

A club where students can watch movies

  • Our main mission is Girl’s empowerment!

Contacts: Mursalina Amin
e-mail: amin_m@auca.kg

15. Green Club

Our goal is to create environmental sustainability awareness among students and help in involving in eco-activism.

  • training,
  • volunteering opportunities,
  • collaboration with other organizations and eco clubs from other universities,
  • opportunities to give a speech on events and more.

Contacts: Meerim Kanybekova
e-mail: kanybekova_m@auca.kg

16. SandBox Business Club

To improve digital skills in the following professions:

  • product/project management, frontend/backend development, ux/ui/web
  • design, digital marketing, etc. (best speakers in their field)

Contacts: Begimai Ismailova
e-mail: ismailova_be@auca.kg

17. Ӱɴý Knitting Community Club

To bring Ӱɴý people together, create a friendly and safe space for students, to help to relax during exams

Contacts: Uulzhan Bekturova
e-mail: bekturova_u@auca.kg

18. SEA club
  • The goal of the club is to develop and support communities of engineers, researchers, and initiative young, via making technology available and helping with communication between learners and experienced developers.

Contacts: Arthur Talkanbaev
e-mail: talkanbaev_a@auca.kg

19. Think out Loud Club
  • Exploring common and shared human challenges, setbacks, and issues, and exploring the role of spirituality and/or psychology in dealing with them.
  • The main activity of this club will be in the form of discussions and round tables. Storytelling, free-writing, mediation with calm music, and presentations on different spiritual and/or psychological trends, issues, and challenges will constitute a heavy part of the club.

Contacts: Reshadullah Sapi
e-mail: sapi_r@auca.kg

20. Teqball (Bishteqers)
  • Teqball - is a ball sport that is played on a curved table, combining elements of football and table tennis. Back and forth, the players hit a football with any part of the body except the arms and hands.
  • Teqball can be played between two players as a singles game or between four players as a doubles game.
  • The game is represented at an international level by the International Federation of Teqball (FITEQ).

Contacts: Maksatbek Aitegin
e-mail: maksatbek_a@auca.kg

21. Theatre Mirrors
  • The cultural development of students of Ӱɴý;
  • Building the unique spirit of Ӱɴý;
  • Represent Ӱɴý in big cultural events in Kyrgyzstan and abroad

Contacts: Ruslan Musalimov
e-mail: musalimov_r@auca.kg

22. Volleyball Club

Conduct a separate extracurricular club for those students who enjoy playing volleyball and need more of it in their life.

Contacts: Kaparova Saltanat
e-mail: salta.kaparova@gmail.com

23. Child Rights Club

The goals are to enlighten students regarding children’s vulnerability in our society and share knowledge about child rights to create a stronger and safer community for our next generation.

Contacts: Aidana Alybaeva
e-mail: alybaeva_ai@auca.kg

24. Digital Art Club

Our mission is to enhance digital art and graphic design skills. Wedesire to assist the participants of our club to monetize their work and connectlike-minded people to reach their goals. We’re looking forward to having a lot of fun and developing friendships!

Contacts: Bermet Akhunova
e-mail: akhunova_b@auca.kg

25. Ӱɴý Law Cases Club
  • The first Law club in Ӱɴý. The goals of the club are: solving law cases and judicial practice. This helps students from all departments to think like a lawyer.
  • Consideration of famous cases with emphasis on the laws in the country where the incidents took place, solving cases, in case of a dispute, there will be a debate

Contacts: Almir Sabyrbekov

e-mail: sabyrbekov_al@auca.kg

26. Japanese Club
  • Through learning Japan and Japanese culture, tradition, and society together, students and attendees will cultivate intercultural perspective, learn soft skills, and learn to how to grow together as global citizens and leaders.
  • Visiting and conducting events, classes, and workshops.
  • Creating discussion space and time to better understand modern Japanese and exchange knowledge about KG and Japanese values and norms.

Contacts: Dastan Askarbekov
e-mail: askarbekov_d@auca.kg

27. Women’s Football Club
  • The Women’s Football Club gives an opportunity to all women of Ӱɴý to be part of a football team.

Whether you're experienced or just want to get a good glimpse of this sport, your place is within the team.

28. René Magritte Club
  • There are many goals for this club. To begin with, the first goal is to teach drawing to the new starters. I believe there are many students who are willing to learn drawing and painting at Ӱɴý.
  • the goal is to provide a friendly atmosphere with an open environment for students to develop their skills

Contacts: Khaleqi Ahmad Sajad

29. Armwrestling Club
  • Club’s main goal is to find and unite people that find armwrestling interesting. Secondly, popularize healthy lifestyle and armsport amongst students of Ӱɴý. Thirdly, represent Ӱɴý in local tournaments.
  • Since the Armwrestling club’s main goal is to unite people from different faculties, there will be team buildings, group practices, and in-Ӱɴý tournaments.

Contacts: Atay Eshimbekov

30. Indian Dance Club
  • There will be mainly Indian dance, exercise to prepare the body for the dance, and teaching how to move their bodies based on following Indian music.

Contacts: Nadia Arifi

31. Improv Сlub
  • We learn comedy, acting, interpersonal skills, and how to be genuine by playing acting and improv games together.
  • This is a very informal club. Our goal is to have fun, make friends, and learn something too if you feel like it.

Contacts: Jaden Rider

32. Women's Basketball team
  • To make the Ӱɴý basketball women's team famous throughout the Bishkek Universiade and other championships. Our women's team previously won first and second places in Universiade and other championships.
  • Every Monday and Wednesday, we will have trainings at 5 pm (the time could be changed if it’s needed) led by Professor Zaitsev, who is an honored basketball coach.

Contacts: Aliia Ismailova

33. Cricket Club

To play the sport of Cricket, which comes at number 2 as the most popular sport in the world with almost 2.5 billion followers. The game of Cricket would be played to make friends and develop team-building skills. It is also the first time such sport club would be created in Ӱɴý, which is going to be amazing as people in the university will get to know the beloved sports game.

Contacts: Mumtaz Ashraf Popal
e-mail: popal_m@auca.kg

34. Woman and Arts
  • This Club is based on the Women and the Arts Club that was created in 2016 at the Ӱɴý.
  • It aims in promoting women's empowerment and support for the university community and issues that are dealt with as women in Kyrgyzstan and around the world.
  • It is a platform that stands for the voices of women who have faced obstacles so that they feel supported and listened to, and not feel ignored.

Contacts: Sitara Ahmadi

35. Female Football Club
  • The purpose of this club is to help all female students to stay not only mentally active but also physically active during the semester.
  • This club will have two events in a week and will contain physical activity.

Contacts: Bibi Hajar Rashidi
e-mail: rashidi_b@auca.kg

36. Cinematica Club

Bring students together with a warm atmosphere to diversify the social life of Ӱɴý

Contacts: Saltanat Talantbek

37. Socrates Reading Club
  • critical reading and discussing books of different genres and content
  • weekly gathering, reading, and discussing the chosen books

Contacts: Hasina Ahmadi
e-mail: ahmadi_h@auca.kg

38. Hobby Club

Engaging in a hobby leads to acquiring substantial skills, knowledge, and experience. The main goal of the Hobby Club is to inspire students to pursue a hobby and explore their potential in areas like art, science, sport, music, knitting, etc.

Contacts: Ilgiz Usenov

39. Philosophy Club
  • To bring philosophical discourse into the walls of Ӱɴý and improve our understanding of responsiveness, reflection, reason, and re-evaluation, and finally, examination of the existing subjects, morals, and ethics.
  • Intellectual discussions, organic debates, analyzing tons of ideologies. Revising and talking about such terms as “reality, morals and ethics, capitalism, communism, violence, discourse, power, etc.”
  • Reading books and asking/discussing provocative questions

Contacts: Azizjon Homidov
e-mail: homidov_a@auca.kg

40. HeckerSpace Club
  • Community-operated club where people with common interests, such as computers, machining, technology, science, digital art, or electronic art, can meet, socialize, and collaborate

Contacts: Mirzaali Ruzimatov
e-mail: ruzimatov_m@auca.kg

41. Mammonths Soccer Club
  • improving communication between students.
  • Improving the health of students.
  • Maintaining mental health.
  • Playing soccer once a week.
  • Organization of competition between students

Contacts: Alikhan Tursunbekov
e-mail: tursunbekov_a@auca.kg

42. Football Club
  • Playing football and participating in different football tournaments

Contacts: Tadzhimatov Bilaliddin

e-mail: tadzhimatov_b@auca.kg

43. Book Club

Read different books and exchange gathered information with each other!

Book is the real power!

Contacts: Shah Mohammad Ali Dad
e-mail: alidad_s@auca.kg

44. F**** C***

Culturally enrich the students of Ӱɴý who are interested in world cinema classics.

Contacts: Eldiiar Berdibaev
e-mail: berdibaev_el@auca.kg

45. Mental health Stigma Club

Fatigue, depression, stress, and sleep disorder are problems that everyone experiences at least once during their student life.

It would promote mental health awareness, as well as it promotes a judgme It would promote mental health awareness, as well as it promotes a judgmental free environment for the student who is aware of these

  • Activities of the club
  • Promotion of the club
  • Conducting a survey
  • Playing Kahoot in the lobby
  • Having tea sessions where we will discuss personal experiences of each other and many more!

Contacts: Fatima Meena Kakar

46. Board Games Club
  • Our goals are to teach people how to play and enjoy board games in a cool community of Ӱɴý students and try all possible board games.
  • Find a new way to enjoy games.

Contacts: Indin Ruslan
e-mail: indin_r@auca.kg

АУЦА не открывает студенческие клубы, это делаете ВЫ!

АУЦА просто поддерживает их!

Если вы хотите открыть новый клуб в АУЦА, мы будем рады вам! Мы поддерживаем все идеи и интересы, которые могут развивать студенческое общество АУЦА.

7/6 Aaly Tokombaev Street
Bishkek, Kyrgyz Republic720060

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